ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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Why Each Element in Our Worship Matters

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Every Sunday, several people come early to set up despite their own weaknesses and struggles. They are truly commendable because they set up to minimize distraction during our worship. We can all relate with Martha who was distracted, anxious and troubled about many things while serving (Luke 10: 41). Jesus said to Martha, “one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (v. 42). We see that Mary was commended for sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening (Luke 10: 39). We bring nothing before God but our weaknesses, struggles, heartaches, sins and sufferings. But God’s lavish grace meets us in our mess. The warm welcome of Jesus is for weary, wounded and exhausted sinners. He is not seeking perfect saints and those who have it all together to worship Him. Our restless hearts can now find their rest in Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

For this reason, coming early for corporate worship has certain benefits! In an age of digital distraction our attention span has been drastically cut short. It is easy to miss the various elements in our worship. Therefore, creating that sacred space to catch our breath and reset our minds in prayer before worship starts can be really beneficial! We have one hour and thirty minutes on Sunday to worship together as a church family.

Therefore, it can be beneficial to arrive at least 10 to 5 mins before worship starts and hear the welcome of Jesus and the call to worship. It’s even better if we are able to come earlier to greet people and engage in pre-worship fellowship if God has given us the strength. And/ or stay for post-worship fellowship to reach out to people we haven’t met, to listen to one another, encourage one another and pray for one another. Below is why each element in our worship matters!