The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit | Marks of A Spirit-Filled Church

The Holy Spirit | Marks of A Spirit-Filled Church | Acts 2: 41- 47 |

What are the marks of a Spirit-filled Church? When Jesus promised to build His church (in Matt. 16: 18), He did not promise to build a church based on our personal preferences. Rather, the church Jesus promised to build, while imperfect, is a Spirit-filled church. So we’re going to see that a Spirit-filled church is marked by: a) Bible teaching and loving fellowship. b) Gospel renewal and generous giving. c) Vibrant worship and gospel sharing.

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-Led Jesus

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-Led Jesus | Luke 4: 1–14 |

In v. 1 Luke says that Jesus is “led by the Spirit in the wilderness”—where He faced many temptations from the devil. How can we follow the Spirit instead of giving in to temptations? To answer that, we see:- a) Jesus is tempted with instant gratification. b) Jesus is tempted with power and glory. c) Jesus is tempted with self-serving identity. How does Jesus overcome His temptations?

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit of Prayer

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit of Prayer | Romans 8: 22–30 |

In this chapter, Paul uses the word ‘Spirit’ twenty-one times. Paul says in v. 26 the Spirit helps us in our weakness and prays for us. How does the Spirit help us? What does He pray for us? From our text, we see that:- a) The Spirit works patience in our groanings. b) The Spirit helps in our weakness and prayer. c) The Spirit shows our future glory with Christ.

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-filled Church

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-filled Church | Ephesians 5: 15-25 |

What are the marks of a Spirit-filled Church? Every Christian receives the Holy Spirit at the time of conversion. But to be “filled with the Spirit” is a command in v. 18. It’s a daily experience of the Spirit and not a one-time occurrence. So in our text, we see that:- a) Spirit-filled people walk in wisdom. b) Spirit-filled people live in community. c) Spirit-filled people look to Christ.