Be The Church Series

Steadfast Under Trial

Be The Church Series | James 1: 2--12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Sometimes people say, “Why does God allow this to happen?” James says, "For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." And so here are key insights on being a church that perseveres under trials:- a) The various trials that test our faith. b) The wisdom that God gives in our trials. c) The crown of life God promises to give us.

Be The Church Series | Renewed in Strength

Be The Church Series | Isaiah 40: 25--31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we turn to Isaiah 40: 25--31. Israel thought that God had abandoned them as exiles in Babylon. But God promised to renew them with strength. Often our vision of God is too small when we're overwhelmed and weary. Follow along as we look at: a) God who is incomparable in greatness. b) God who does not grow weary like us. c) God who renews strength in our weariness.

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare | Ephesians 6: 10-20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we turn to Ephesians which shines a bright light on the work of Christ and His love for His church. Here, Paul shows that behind the Roman persecution and imprisonment, there were much darker forces at work. Follow along as we look at:- a) The schemes of evil that come against us. b) The armor of God by which we stand. c) The Word and prayer by which we advance.

Be The Church | Together in Spiritual Worship

Together in Spiritual Worship | Pastor Joey Zorina | Romans 12: 1-7

In this episode of our series, we turn to Romans 12: 1-7. Paul writing to Christians in Rome says they are not to conform to that world but be transformed by the renewal of the mind. He calls this true spiritual worship. Follow along as we look at:- a) The worship we offer in our bodies. b) The measure of faith God has given to us. c) The gifts of graces God uses in the body.

Be The Church | Together in Perfect Harmony

Be The Church Series | Colossians 3: 12--17 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In an age where we're told to always put ourselves first and just be ourselves, Paul shows us that believers have put off the old self and are to put on the new self. And so, follow along as we look at-- a) The grace that renews us from within. b) The love that binds us in perfect harmony. c) The word of Christ that dwells in us richly.

Be The Church | Together in Ministry

Be The Church Series | Together in Ministry | Ephesians 4: 11- 16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How is Gospel unity expressed in a local church?  Paul writes that gospel unity between Jews and Gentiles now results in ministry.  The gospel not only takes away the barrier between races, but it now results in service in the body.  And so here are key insights we’re going to follow from our passage today:-  

a) The saints who do the work of ministry.   b) The Son who leads us into maturity.   c) The body that builds itself up in love.  

Be The Church | Together On Mission

Be The Church | Together On Mission | Matt. 28: 11--20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this passage, we see some events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The women told the truth about the risen Christ. The chief priests and guards spent lots of money to lie about the risen Christ. But Jesus sends us out to tell the truth of His resurrection. Follow along as we look at 3 types of responses to the resurrection. a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ. c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ

Be The Church | Together As One Body

Be The Church | Together As One Body | 1 Cor. 12: 21-31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

As we start our 5 weeks series, we turn to 1 Cor. 12: 12- 31. Those who are united individually to Christ are called members of one body. And yet we see diversity of gifts and functions within one body. Follow along as we look at the 3 insights on being one body in Christ. In our passage, we see that: a) God chose us to be members of one body. b) God gives greater honor to the weaker members. c) God gives us different gifts in the body.