
Defending The Gospel in Public

1 Peter ch. 3: 13- 22 | Exiles | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, Peter is writing to Christians who feel the increasing pressure of opposition under the Roman Empire. Instead of cowering in fear, they were to prepare to make a defense of the gospel with courage and gentleness. So, follow along as we look at 3 insights:- (a) The heart that is prepared to honor Christ. (b) The righteous Sufferer who brings us to God. (c) The exalted Christ who works through us.

The Hidden Person of The Heart

1 Peter | Exile Series | ch. 3: 1-8 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Peter says the unfading character of a gentle heart is most precious in God’s sight, and to be desired more than elaborate gold jewelry and outward looks. Follow along as we look at 3 insights on how the gospel beautifies our relationships from the inside: - a) The beauty that comes from a gentle heart. b) The seed from which Christ came to us. c) The grace and honor that is given to us.

Pentecost | The Spirits Presence and Power

Acts 2: 1--16 | The Spirit's Presence and Power | Pastor Joey Zorina.

What does Pentecost mean? For most Christians, Pentecost reminds us of speaking in unknown tongues. But how are we to understand this strange phenomenon? Follow along as we look at 3 insights on the work of the Holy Spirit from our passage: - a̎) The Spirit gives us power to witness. b̎) The Spirit opens our ears to hear˪ c̎) The Spirit shows us the risen Saviour.

Steadfast Under Trial

Be The Church Series | James 1: 2--12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Sometimes people say, “Why does God allow this to happen?” James says, "For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." And so here are key insights on being a church that perseveres under trials:- a) The various trials that test our faith. b) The wisdom that God gives in our trials. c) The crown of life God promises to give us.

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare | Ephesians 6: 10-20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we turn to Ephesians which shines a bright light on the work of Christ and His love for His church. Here, Paul shows that behind the Roman persecution and imprisonment, there were much darker forces at work. Follow along as we look at:- a) The schemes of evil that come against us. b) The armor of God by which we stand. c) The Word and prayer by which we advance.

Captive To Obey Christ

2 Cor. 10: 1-8 | Captive To Obey Christ | By Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to ch. 10: 1-8, where Paul shifts his focus on the minority unrepentant group in Corinth. How does Paul use his spiritual authority? How does this approach different from how people use authority in the world? When people oppose us, how do we respond? Follow along as we look into three insights to answer these questions: -

a) The gentle heart of Christ. b) The mind captive to obey Christ. c) The authority that comes from Christ.

The Grace of Cheerful Giving

2 Cor. 9: 6-15. | The Grace of Cheerful Giving | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we learn that God loves a cheerful giver. In our cultures, people give their gifts or Omiage with an polite smile. How is Paul's cheerful giving different from our cultural practices? Follow along as we look into 3 insights:-

a) The heart behind our giving. b) The grace of God for every good work. c) The inexpressible gift God has given to us.

The Glory of Christ in Faithful Christians

2 Cor. 8: 16- 24. | The Glory of Christ in Faithful Christians | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode, Paul commends three faithful men whose names are not mentioned. The real heroes are often unknown. They’re the quiet men and women who keep serving behind the scenes. They are known by Christ; and that is enough for them. Follow along as we look into- a) The heart that cares for the church. b) The character that is tested and proven. c) The glory of Christ in our faithfulness.

Grace and Generosity in our Suffering

2 Cor. 8: 1-9 | Grace and Generosity in our Suffering | Pastor Joey Zorina

What makes Christian giving radically different from others? It is not uncommon to hear celebrities giving large amounts of money, but it usually doesn't break their bank. In this episode of our 2nd Corinthians series, we turn to chapter 8: 1-9 where Paul shows the radical generosity of the Macedonian churches in the midst of suffering. Follow along as we look into 3 insights:- a) Generosity is not based on circumstances. b) Generous giving is an act of grace. c) The riches of Christ motivate giving.

The God Who Comforts The Downcast

2 Cor. 7: 2- 10 | The God Who Comforts The Downcast | Pastor Joey Zorina

Have you been discouraged lately? Have you known what it means to be downcast? In this episode of our series on 2 Corinthians, we turn to ch. 7 where Paul shows us that God is the ultimate source of comfort. Follow along as we look into 3 insights from this passage: a) The joy in the midst of our afflictions. b) The God who comforts the downcast. c) The godly grief that leads us to salvation.

Guest Speaker Sunday | The God Who Fights For Us

Guest Speaker Sunday | Joshua ch. 3 and 4. | Rev. Seima Aoyagi |

In this stand-alone sermon, Pastor Seima Aoyagi takes us into Joshua chapter 3 and 4, where the Israelites are led by God to cross the Jordan. Though they faced impossible and pressing challenges, God showed Himself faithful. Follow along as Seima encourages us to:- a) Behold. b) Follow c) Remember.

The Yoke of Unbelievers

2 Corinthians 6: 14- 18 | The Yoke of Unbelievers | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to the famous verse, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” Was Paul, primarily, talking about marriage? Does this text sound exclusive and narrow to modern sentiments? What did Paul mean by this verse? To answer that question, following along as we look into 3 insights: a) The yoke that believers do not share. b) The yoke of Christ that believers share c) The temple of God believers have become.

How God’s Grace Works!

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 6: 1-13 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode of our series, we turn to ch. 6: 1-13 where Paul says not to receive the grace of God in vain? Can you receive the grace of God in vain? To answer this question, follow along as we look into three insights from this passage: 1) God’s grace that works salvation in us. 2) God’s grace that works joyful endurance in us. 3) God’s grace that awakens affections for others.

Ambassadors For Christ

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 5: 18-21 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Do you wake up everyday with guilt and shame because you never measure up? At the cross, Christ was covered in our sin so that we would be covered in Christ’s righteousness. Clothed in Christ’ righteousness, we can now face the world as His ambassadors. Learn more as we look into 3 insights from this passage.

Known and Loved By Christ

2 Corinthians Series | 2 Cor. 5: 11-17 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does it mean to be controlled by the love of Christ? If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. In the death of Christ we died. Jesus died for our sins, so that we too might die to sin. We cannot love Christ and continue to love the sins that He died for. This is how the love of Christ is moving, motivating, animating, constraining our hearts. We now see people with new eyes. Follow along as we look into 3 insights: a) The fear of God that awakens awe. b) The love of Christ that controls us. c) The new life in Christ we now live.

The Longing To Be Home At Last

The Longing To Be Home At Last | Pastor Joey Zorina | 2 Cor. 5: 1-10

In this episode of series, Paul shows us the longings of our heavenly home. The basic instinct of every human longing is to have a permanent home. But life on earth is a journey, where we stop at various intersections, until we reach our final destination. Follow along as we look at 3 insights from this passage:- a) The groanings of our earthly home. b)The guarantee of our heavenly home. c) The reward at the judgement seat.

The Gospel in Jars of Clay

2 Corinthians 4: 7- 18 | The Gospel In Jars of Clay | Pastor Joey Zorina

Are you struggling with a debilitating chronic pain or depression? Or know someone? How do you live the Christian life in the midst of pain and hardship? In this episode of our series, we turn to 2 Cor. 4: 7- 18, where Paul shows us the true source of his strength and courage in the midst of afflictions. Follow along as we look into 3 insights: - (a) The treasure God deposited in our broken bodies. (b) The promise of the resurrection Jesus secured for us. c) The weight of glory God has prepared for us.

Church Discipline | The Discipline of God's Costly Love

Church Discipline: The Discipline of God's Grace

1 Corinthians 5: 1- 13 | Church Disciple: The Discipline of God's Grace | Pastor Joey Zorina |

What is church discipline? Many modern people struggle to understand church discipline because our definition of love does not fit with the text. Is church discipline loving and necessary? To answer that, follow along as we look into 3 insights from our text:- a) The sins that believers tolerate. b) The sins that Christ died for. c) The holiness that Christ works in us.

The Light of The Gospel

2 Corinthians Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | ch. 4: 1-6

In this episode of 2 Corinthians series, we turn to ch. 4: 1-6, there Paul talks about how, despite all his sufferings, he did not lose heart. What was it that encouraged Paul? What kept him moving forward? Follow along as we look into 3 insights: a) The open statement of truth we're called to live by. b) The Satanic veil that blinds the unbelieving mind. c) The glory of God that shines in the face of Christ.