Gospel Basics

The Great Sympathizer

Gospel Basics Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | Hebrews 4: 8-16

Here, the writer tells us that there remains a rest for God’s people to enter (v. 1). So what is this rest? And how can we experience this rest? To answer that question, here are 3 insights we are going to follow together:- a) The rest that God has prepared for us. b) The word of God that exposes our hearts. c) The great high priest who sympathizes with us.

From Childish Ways To Maturity

Gospel Basics Series | From Childish Ways To Maturity | Cor. 13: 1-13 |

Each year in Japan, the love chapter is read in western style wedding chapels. But the reasons the apostle Paul wrote this chapter was far from romantic. So, from this chapter we’re going to see:- a) The noise that gains nothing. b) The love that bears all things. c) The love of Christ that matures us.