
A Living Hope For Exiles

1 Peter Series | Exiles: Hope For Strangers in A Foreign Land | ch. 1: 3-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

1 Peter was written by Peter from Rome, around AD 63- 64 to the “elect exiles” (the diaspora Jewish Christians, including Gentiles) scattered throughout Asia Minor’s Roman provinces. As we enter a new season, with the world still suffering from COVID, we see that this world is not our home. From our passage, we see: a) The living hope that God awakens in us. b) The trials of fire that test our faith. c) The joy that flows from our salvation.

The God Who Comforts The Downcast

2 Cor. 7: 2- 10 | The God Who Comforts The Downcast | Pastor Joey Zorina

Have you been discouraged lately? Have you known what it means to be downcast? In this episode of our series on 2 Corinthians, we turn to ch. 7 where Paul shows us that God is the ultimate source of comfort. Follow along as we look into 3 insights from this passage: a) The joy in the midst of our afflictions. b) The God who comforts the downcast. c) The godly grief that leads us to salvation.

Joy in Humility and Unity

Philippians 2: 1-11 | Joy in Humility and Unity | Pastor Joey Zorina

When you think of a truly humble person what comes to your mind? In this episode, we look into a poetic passage in Philippians 2: 1-11 where we encounter the most humble person in the entire universe.

The Rejection of The Servant King

The Gospel of Mark Series | Ch. 12: 1-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we explored the theme of rejection. The religious leaders rejected the long line of prophets God sent. But the stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone. Watch to learn more on why it's important to build our lives on the cornerstone:

The Authority of The Servant King

The Gospel of Mark Series | Ch. 11: 27- 33 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Did you miss the sermon last Sunday, or parts of it? In this episode, we explored the theme of authority. The religious leaders, who were the temple guardians, challenged Jesus' authority. Why do we resist authority figures? How did Jesus use His authority?

The Temple Of The Servant King

Gospel of Mark Series | Ch. 11: 15- 19 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of Mark's Gospel Series, we learn that Jesus entered the temple to restore true communion with God that would bring fruitfulness. He comes as King of the temple, to purify the temple by becoming the ultimate sacrifice.

The Richest Servant King

The Gospel of Mark Series | Ch. 10: 17- 31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we learn about how money is a great servant but a terrible god. What you do with your money shows you if Jesus is Lord or if money is Lord!

The Judge and Servant King

The Gospel of Mark | Pastor Joey Zorina | Mark 9: 42-50

On the cross, Jesus received the judgment of hell for us. The purest hands were nailed to the cross by the hands of sinners. The purest One was pierced with a spear--by the hands of sinners.

The Greatness of The Servant King

The Gospel of Mark | Pastor Joey Zorina | Ch. 9: 33--41

In this sermon, we see the greatest King who came to be the servant of all. On the cross, the first became the last of all. The way to be the first is to be the last.

The King's Invitation To Feast

Gospel of Mark Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | Mark 8: 1--10.

Many people think that in order to come to Jesus they must be good enough to receive His blessings. But Jesus simply says: "Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat!"

The Servant King Who Heals and Saves

The Gospel of Mark Series | Mark 7: 31--37 | Pastor Joey Zorina

The famous classical composer Beethoven began to suffer from hearing loss around 1801. At one point he had to be turned around to see the applause of the audience, because he could not hear the applause. For years he had lived for the applause of people, which only comes after the performance. So by 1802, Beethoven became very depressed and wanted to commit suicide. In the Gospel, however, we hear the Father's applause before the performance--because of Jesus.

The Gospel in Which You Stand

1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 | Easter 2019 | 2nd Anniversary | Pastor Joey Zorina

"In the society around you, people find their identity and self-worth in what they do, or will do, or how they feel. They say: “I am what I do. I am what I accomplish. I am what I feel.” But Paul says, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” The Gospel says: “You are who you are based on what Christ has done for you.” A changed life is a miracle performed by Christ through the power of His resurrection."

The Rescuing King

The Gospel of Mark Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | Mark 6:45-56 |

The point of the multiplication of the bread and walking on water was that: Jesus is greater than Moses who came to be The Bread of Life in the wilderness, in the sea of Galilee, and ultimately on the cross.