CoronaVirus And The Cross

How God’s Grace Works!

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 6: 1-13 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode of our series, we turn to ch. 6: 1-13 where Paul says not to receive the grace of God in vain? Can you receive the grace of God in vain? To answer this question, follow along as we look into three insights from this passage: 1) God’s grace that works salvation in us. 2) God’s grace that works joyful endurance in us. 3) God’s grace that awakens affections for others.

Ambassadors For Christ

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 5: 18-21 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Do you wake up everyday with guilt and shame because you never measure up? At the cross, Christ was covered in our sin so that we would be covered in Christ’s righteousness. Clothed in Christ’ righteousness, we can now face the world as His ambassadors. Learn more as we look into 3 insights from this passage.

Church Discipline | The Discipline of God's Costly Love

The Invitation To True Rest

Corona & The Cross | Matthew 11: 25- 30 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this well known passage from Matthew 11: 25- 30, Jesus simply said, "Come to me all who labor and heavy laden. I will give you rest." What were the heavy burdens that people were carrying? What is the rest He is talking about? Follow along as we unpack 3 insights from the passage.

Locked Doors And The Empty Tomb

Covid-19 Series | John 20: 19- 29 | Locked Doors And The Empty Tomb

伴がかかった扉と空っぽの墓(ヨハネによる福音書 20:19-29)

In this episode of our mini-series, we turn to the disciples who were hiding in fear on that first Easter Sunday. Many of us are quarantined at home, during this social distancing due to Covid-19 crisis. Follow along as we look into 3 insights: (1) The fears that paralyze us behind closed doors. (2) The peace of Christ that prepares us for mission. (3) The risen Christ who turns our unbelief into faith.